Source code for fluent.runtime.fallback

import codecs
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Type, Union, cast

from fluent.syntax import FluentParser

from .bundle import FluentBundle

    from fluent.syntax.ast import Resource
    from .types import FluentType

[docs]class FluentLocalization: """ Generic API for Fluent applications. This handles language fallback, bundle creation and string localization. It uses the given resource loader to load and parse Fluent data. """ def __init__( self, locales: List[str], resource_ids: List[str], resource_loader: 'AbstractResourceLoader', use_isolating: bool = False, bundle_class: Type[FluentBundle] = FluentBundle, functions: Union[Dict[str, Callable[[Any], 'FluentType']], None] = None, ): self.locales = locales self.resource_ids = resource_ids self.resource_loader = resource_loader self.use_isolating = use_isolating self.bundle_class = bundle_class self.functions = functions self._bundle_cache: List[FluentBundle] = [] self._bundle_it = self._iterate_bundles() def format_value(self, msg_id: str, args: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None) -> str: for bundle in self._bundles(): if not bundle.has_message(msg_id): continue msg = bundle.get_message(msg_id) if not msg.value: continue val, _errors = bundle.format_pattern(msg.value, args) return cast(str, val) # Never FluentNone when format_pattern called externally return msg_id def _create_bundle(self, locales: List[str]) -> FluentBundle: return self.bundle_class( locales, functions=self.functions, use_isolating=self.use_isolating ) def _bundles(self) -> Generator[FluentBundle, None, None]: bundle_pointer = 0 while True: if bundle_pointer == len(self._bundle_cache): try: self._bundle_cache.append(next(self._bundle_it)) except StopIteration: return yield self._bundle_cache[bundle_pointer] bundle_pointer += 1 def _iterate_bundles(self) -> Generator[FluentBundle, None, None]: for first_loc in range(0, len(self.locales)): locs = self.locales[first_loc:] for resources in self.resource_loader.resources(locs[0], self.resource_ids): bundle = self._create_bundle(locs) for resource in resources: bundle.add_resource(resource) yield bundle
[docs]class AbstractResourceLoader: """ Interface to implement for resource loaders. """
[docs] def resources(self, locale: str, resource_ids: List[str]) -> Generator[List['Resource'], None, None]: """ Yield lists of FluentResource objects, corresponding to each of the resource_ids. If there are multiple locations, this may yield multiple lists. If a resource isn't found in any location, yield a partial list, but don't yield empty lists. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FluentResourceLoader(AbstractResourceLoader): """ Resource loader to read Fluent files from disk. Different locales are in different locations based on locale code. The locale code should be encoded as `{locale}` in the roots, or in the resource_ids. This loader does not support loading resources for one bundle from different roots. """ def __init__(self, roots: Union[str, List[str]]): """ Create a resource loader. The roots may be a string for a single location on disk, or a list of strings. """ self.roots = [roots] if isinstance(roots, str) else roots
[docs] def resources(self, locale: str, resource_ids: List[str]) -> Generator[List['Resource'], None, None]: for root in self.roots: resources: List[Any] = [] for resource_id in resource_ids: path = self.localize_path(os.path.join(root, resource_id), locale) if not os.path.isfile(path): continue content =, 'r', 'utf-8').read() resources.append(FluentParser().parse(content)) if resources: yield resources
def localize_path(self, path: str, locale: str) -> str: return path.format(locale=locale)