Using fluent.runtime

Learn the FTL syntax

FTL is a localization file format used for describing translation resources. FTL stands for Fluent Translation List.

FTL is designed to be simple to read, but at the same time allows to represent complex concepts from natural languages like gender, plurals, conjugations, and others.

hello-user = Hello, { $username }!

In order to use fluent.runtime, you will need to create FTL files. Read the Fluent Syntax Guide in order to learn more about the syntax.

Using FluentLocalization

Once you have some FTL files, you can generate translations using the fluent.runtime package. You start with the FluentLocalization class:

>>> from fluent.runtime import FluentLocalization, FluentResourceLoader

The Fluent files of your application are loaded with a FluentResourceLoader.

>>> loader = FluentResourceLoader("l10n/{locale}")

The main entrypoint for your application is a FluentLocalization. You pass a list of locales to the constructor - the first being the desired locale, with fallbacks after that - as well as resource IDs and your loader.

>>> l10n = FluentLocalization(["de", "en-US"], ["main.ftl"], loader)
>>> val = l10n.format_value("my-first-string")
"Fluent can be easy"

This assumes that you have a directory layout like so


and l10n/de/main.ftl with:

second-string = Eine Übersetzung

as well as l10n/en-US/main.ftl with:

my-first-string = Fluent can be easy
second-string = An original string

As you can see, our first example returned the English string, as that’s on our fallback list. When retrieving an existing translation, you get the translated results as expected:

>>> l10n.format_value("second-string")
"Eine Übersetzung"

Python 2

The above examples assume Python 3. Since Fluent uses unicode everywhere internally (and doesn’t accept bytestrings), if you are using Python 2 you will need to make adjustments to the above example code. Either add u unicode literal markers to strings or add this at the top of the module or the start of your repl session:

from __future__ import unicode_literals


To make the documentation easier to read, we’re using a DemoLocalization, that just uses a single literal Fluent resource. Find out more about the details in the Internals of fluent.runtime section.

>>> l10n = DemoLocalization("key = A localization")
>>> pl = DemoLocalization("key = A localization", locale="pl")


When rendering translations, Fluent passes any numeric arguments (int, float or Decimal) through locale-aware formatting functions:

>>> l10n = DemoLocalization(
... "show-total-points = You have { $points } points."
... )
>>> val = l10n.format_value("show-total-points", {'points': 1234567})
>>> val
'You have 1,234,567 points.'

You can specify your own formatting options on the arguments passed in by wrapping your numeric arguments with fluent.runtime.types.fluent_number:

>>> from fluent.runtime.types import fluent_number
>>> points = fluent_number(1234567, useGrouping=False)
>>> l10n.format_value("show-total-points", {'points': 1234567})
'You have 1234567 points.'

>>> amount = fluent_number(1234.56, style="currency", currency="USD")
>>> l10n = DemoLocalization(
... "your-balance = Your balance is { $amount }"
... )
>>> l10n.format_value(balance.value, {'amount': amount})
'Your balance is $1,234.56'

The options available are defined in the Fluent spec for NUMBER. Some of these options can also be defined in the FTL files, as described in the Fluent spec, and the options will be merged.

Date and Time

Python datetime.datetime and objects are also passed through locale aware functions:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> l10n = DemoLocalization("today-is = Today is { $today }")
>>> val = l10n.format_value("today-is", {"today": })
>>> val
'Today is Jun 16, 2018'

You can explicitly call the DATETIME builtin to specify options:

>>> l10n = DemoLocalization(
... 'today-is = Today is { DATETIME($today, dateStyle: "short") }'
... )

See the DATETIME docs. However, currently the only supported options to DATETIME are:

To specify options from Python code, use fluent.runtime.types.fluent_date:

>>> from fluent.runtime.types import fluent_date
>>> today =
>>> short_today = fluent_date(today, dateStyle='short')
>>> val = l10n.format_value("today-is", {"today": short_today })
>>> val
'Today is 6/17/18'

You can also specify timezone for displaying datetime objects in two ways:

  • Create timezone aware datetime objects, and pass these to the format call e.g.:

    >>> import pytz
    >>> from datetime import datetime
    >>> utcnow = datime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    >>> moscow_timezone = pytz.timezone('Europe/Moscow')
    >>> now_in_moscow = utcnow.astimezone(moscow_timezone)
  • Or, use timezone naive datetime objects, or ones with a UTC timezone, and pass the timeZone argument to fluent_date as a string:

    >>> utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    >>> utcnow
    datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 17, 12, 15, 5, 677597)
    >>> l10n = DemoLocalization("now-is = Now is { $now }")
    >>> val = bundle.format_pattern("now-is",
    ...    {"now": fluent_date(utcnow,
    ...                        timeZone="Europe/Moscow",
    ...                        dateStyle="medium",
    ...                        timeStyle="medium")})
    >>> val
    'Now is Jun 17, 2018, 3:15:05 PM'

Custom functions

You can add functions to the ones available to FTL authors by passing a functions dictionary to the FluentLocalization constructor:

>>> import platform
>>> def os_name():
...    """Returns linux/mac/windows/other"""
...    return {'Linux': 'linux',
...            'Darwin': 'mac',
...            'Windows': 'windows'}.get(platform.system(), 'other')

>>> l10n = FluentLocalization(['en-US'], ['os.ftl'], loader, functions={'OS': os_name})
>>> l10n.format_value('welcome')
Welcome to Linux

That’s with l10n/en-US/os.ftl as:

welcome = { OS() ->
   [linux]    Welcome to Linux
   [mac]      Welcome to Mac
   [windows]  Welcome to Windows
  *[other]    Welcome

These functions can accept positional and keyword arguments (like the NUMBER and DATETIME builtins), and in this case must accept the following types of arguments:

  • unicode strings (i.e. unicode on Python 2, str on Python 3)

  • fluent.runtime.types.FluentType subclasses, namely:

  • FluentNumber - int, float or Decimal objects passed in externally, or expressed as literals, are wrapped in these. Note that these objects also subclass builtin int, float or Decimal, so can be used as numbers in the normal way.

  • FluentDateType - date or datetime objects passed in are wrapped in these. Again, these classes also subclass date or datetime, and can be used as such.

  • FluentNone - in error conditions, such as a message referring to an argument that hasn’t been passed in, objects of this type are passed in.

Custom functions should not throw errors, but return FluentNone instances to indicate an error or missing data. Otherwise they should return unicode strings, or instances of a FluentType subclass as above.

Known limitations and bugs

Help with the above would be welcome!